The Founder


GÖRAN GUSTAFSSON Lectures in Mathematics

June 2 - 4, 2008
KTH, Stockholm

Weinan E
Princeton University




Multiscale modeling in science and engineering

When formulating quantitative models of physical processes, we have to take into account the effect of the unrepresented scales on the scale of interest.
Traditionally, this has relied on empirical modeling assumptions, which may or may not be satisfied by the system under consideration.
The main purpose of multiscale modeling is to bypass such ad hoc procedure and use instead microscopic models to accurately describe the effect of mall scales on larger ones.
I will give an overview of this very active and growing area. I will discuss some of the representative issues, the key challenges, and examples of the progresses made so far.
One of the main challenges is to understand mathematically the relation between models att different scales. I will illustrate this with several examples.

Mathematical theory of the
electronic structure

Understanding the electronic structure of matter is a fundamental problem in chemistry and physics.
In the last thirty years, density functional theory has become a very popular and successful tool for analyzing the electronic structure of materials and molecules. What has attracted much less interest, however, is the fact that density functional theory is also an interesting and challenging problem in pure and applied mathematics.
I will discuss some of the basic mathematical issues in density functional theory, including the various equivalent formulations, existence, uniqueness and non-uniqueness of solutions, structure of solutions, localization, and the continuum limit.

Modeling rare events

Many processes in nature are in the form of rare events. These include conformation changes of bio-molecules, chemical reactions, nucleation events in phase transition, noise-induced instability and transition to chaos, material failure, etc. The basic theoretical tools for understanding such events are the large deviation theory in mathematics and the transition state theory in chemical physics.
When the underlying dynamics is rather smooth, these theories give an adequate discription of the associated rare events. However, alternative theoretical tools are required when the underlying dynamics is rough and operates on multiple scales. I will discuss one such alternative theory, the transition path theory.
I will also discuss the numerical algorithms that have been developed in order to make this an effective tool in applications.



Sponsored by the Göran Gustafsson Foundation
