2003 Integration Theory / Mathematical Analysis

Oleg Safronov

 Course information

The main goal is to introduce notions of measure and Lebesgue integral (with emphasis on the linear measure and Lebesgue integral on the real line), and describe some of their (very numerous) applications. We will have   homework assignments and an exam at the end.
A written exam will consist of  5 problems for 5 hours.

        Correctly solved home assignments are equivalent  to 3 problems on the exam.
        Under the assumption that every problem is worth  3 points, one can receive
        altogether 24 points.

        For the grade 5 one has to receive 15 points. For the grade 4 one has to get 12.
        Finally, 9 points are sufficient for the grade 3.
        PHD students must have  4 on the  exam
         in order to pass it

Meeting time Thursdays 13.15-15.00. The first lecture  is  on the 11th of September. Lindstedtsvägen 25
Room 3721.  
Literature We will follow (with certain deviations) the first three chapters of Avner Friedman, Foundations of Modern Analysis, Dover, 1982. It is available, e.g., from "Swedish Library House", Odengatan 91.

There is an abundance of good books about Lebesgue Integration and Measure Theory, so if you are interested in further reading, we will be happy to provide references.

Contact information You can contact me via E-mail Oleg Safronov: safronov@math.kth.se Home assignments:

During the course 9   inlämningsuppgifter (containing problems from Friedman)
        will be
        suggested.  Correctly solved ones give bonus points on the exam,
        so that  they guarantee at least  the grade "3" (in the case the teacher is sure
        that the student  understands the solutions), i.e. they are equivalent to 9 bonus
        points on the exam.
        The solutions  should be  given to the teacher  not later then one month  after
         the assignment  was suggested. The solutions should be short and precise.

The information about home assignments is moved to:

  • My page
