1. id person identifier 2. nearc2 =1 if near 2 yr college, 1966 3. nearc4 =1 if near 4 yr college, 1966 4. educ years of schooling, 1976 5. age in years 6. fatheduc father's schooling 7. motheduc mother's schooling 8. weight NLS sampling weight, 1976 9. momdad14 =1 if live with mom, dad at 14 10. sinmom14 =1 if with single mom at 14 11. step14 =1 if with step parent at 14 12. reg661 =1 for region 1, 1966 13. reg662 =1 for region 2, 1966 14. reg663 =1 for region 3, 1966 15. reg664 =1 for region 4, 1966 16. reg665 =1 for region 5, 1966 17. reg666 =1 for region 6, 1966 18. reg667 =1 for region 7, 1966 19. reg668 =1 for region 8, 1966 20. reg669 =1 for region 9, 1966 21. south66 =1 if in south in 1966 22. black =1 if black 23. smsa =1 in in SMSA, 1976 24. south =1 if in south, 1976 25. smsa66 =1 if in SMSA, 1966 26. wage hourly wage in cents, 1976 27. enroll =1 if enrolled in school, 1976 28. married =1 if married, 1976 29. exper age - educ - 6 Extra förklaringar: NLS betyder "National Longitudinal Surveys", det är data som US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, samlar in. Jag vet inte vad "weight" innebär. SMSA betyder "Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas" (a standard Census Bureau designation of the region around a city in the United States)