install.packages("ggplot2") install.packages("foreach") install.packages("xlsx") library(ggplot2) library(foreach) library(xlsx) ######################### Section 1: Read data ######################### # This is where your GLM data is read form tractors.csv into a table in R # Note that the folder in which you have tractors.csv must be set as the working directory ###### You do not need to change anything in this section. The data will be sotred in a table named glmdata glmdata <- read.table("Tractors.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";", dec="," ) ######################### Section 2: Create groups & aggregate data ######################### # Now you need to modify your data so that you can perform a GLM analysis # First, any continuous variable needs to be grouped into discrete groups # The code below groups the variable weight, from you table glmdata, into six groups, and stores this in a new column, weight_group ###### This is only an example. You need to create your own groups, with breaks that suit your data ###### You might also want to group other variables from glmdata, in a similar manner glmdata$weight_group <- cut(glmdata$Weight, breaks = c(-Inf, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, Inf), labels = c("01_<1000kg", "02_1000-1999kg", "03_2000-2999kg", "04_3000-3999kg", "05_4000-4999kg", "06_>=5000kg"), right = FALSE) # Secondly, we want to aggregate the data. # That is, instead of having one row per tractor, we want one row for each existing combination of variables # This code aggregates columns 6-8 of glmdata, by three variables: weight_group, Climate, and ActivityCode # Tha aggregated data is stored in a new table, glmdata2 ##### You need to consider if there are any other variables you want to aggregate by, and modify the code accordingly glmdata2 <- aggregate(glmdata[,6:8],by=list(weight_group = glmdata$weight_group, Climate = glmdata$Climate, ActivityCode = glmdata$ActivityCode), FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE) # We then do some preparation for the output the GLM function will give. # This piece of code creates a new table, glmdata3, with a row per variable and group, and with data on the total duration corresponding to this group. ##### You need ot modify the code to take into account any changes in variables you're using glmdata3 <- data.frame(rating.factor = c(rep("Weight", nlevels(glmdata2$weight_group)), rep("Climate", nlevels(glmdata2$Climate)), rep("ActivityCode", nlevels(glmdata2$ActivityCode))), class = c(levels(glmdata2$weight_group), levels(glmdata2$Climate), levels(glmdata2$ActivityCode)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) new.cols <- foreach (rating.factor = c("weight_group", "Climate", "ActivityCode"), .combine = rbind) %do% { nclaims <- tapply(glmdata2$NoOfClaims, glmdata2[[rating.factor]], sum) sums <- tapply(glmdata2$Duration, glmdata2[[rating.factor]], sum) n.levels <- nlevels(glmdata2[[rating.factor]]) contrasts(glmdata2[[rating.factor]]) <- contr.treatment(n.levels)[rank(-sums, ties.method = "first"), ] data.frame(duration = sums, = nclaims) } glmdata3 <- cbind(glmdata3, new.cols) rm(new.cols) ######################### Section 3: GLM analysis ######################### # Now we get to the fun part - the GLM analysis. It is performed using R's built in GLM function # First, we model the claims frequency. # The first part of this performs a GLM analysis, with glmdata2 as the data source modelling NoOfClaims, by the Duration. It looks at three variables: weight_group, Climate, and ActivityCode. ##### This is where you can modify the model by adding or removing variables model.frequency <- glm(NoOfClaims ~ weight_group + Climate + ActivityCode + offset(log(Duration)), data = glmdata2, family = poisson) # Then we save the coefficients resulting from the GLM analysis in an array ##### You should not need to modify this part of the code rels <- coef(model.frequency) rels <- exp(rels[1] + rels[-1])/exp(rels[1]) # Finally, we attach the coefficients to the already prepared table glmdata3, in a column named rels.frequency # There is no good way of doing this automatically, so we need to do some manual tricks # This code creates a vector with 6 positions consisting of the integer 1, and then positions number 1-5 in the rels array. # Then it attaches this to rows 1-6 of glmdata3, sorted from highest to lowest duration, since the GLM data is on this form. # In other words, the code takes the GLM coeffisients for the six weight groups and saves those in glmdata3, in the rows corresponding to those groups. # After that, it does the same thing for the rest of the GLM coefficients, belonging to climate and activity code vairables. ##### You need to modify this code to suit your set of variables and groups, to make sure each GLM coefficient is saved in the correct place. glmdata3$rels.frequency <- c(c(1, rels[1:5])[rank(-glmdata3$duration[1:6], ties.method = "first")], c(1, rels[6:7])[rank(-glmdata3$duration[7:9], ties.method = "first")], c(1, rels[8:17])[rank(-glmdata3$duration[10:20], ties.method = "first")]) # We then do the same thing again, now modelling severity instead of claim frequency. # That means that, in this part, we want to look at the average claim. So first, we calculate the average claim for each row in glmdata2 ##### You should not need to change anything in this piece of code. glmdata2$avgclaim=glmdata2$ClaimCost/glmdata2$NoOfClaims # Then we do the same thing as we did when modelling claims frequency, but we look at average claim; # A GLM analysis is run, the coefficients stored, and saved in a new column, named rels.severity, glmdata3 ##### You need to modify this part of the code in the same way as you did for the frequency. Add or remove variables, and make sure coefficients are stored correctly. ##### Remember that, according to the project instructions, you need to use the same variables for the severity as for the frequency. model.severity <- glm(avgclaim ~ weight_group + Climate + ActivityCode , data = glmdata2[glmdata2$avgclaim>0,], family = Gamma("log"), weight=NoOfClaims) rels <- coef(model.severity) rels <- exp( rels[1] + rels[-1] ) / exp( rels[1] ) glmdata3$rels.severity <- c(c(1, rels[1:5])[rank(-glmdata3$duration[1:6], ties.method = "first")], c(1, rels[6:7])[rank(-glmdata3$duration[7:9], ties.method = "first")], c(1, rels[8:17])[rank(-glmdata3$duration[10:20], ties.method = "first")]) # Finally, the final risk factor is calculated, as the product of the frequency and severity factors. ##### You should not have to modify this coed. ##### Congratulations! You now have a model for the risk! glmdata3$rels.risk <- with(glmdata3, rels.frequency*rels.severity) ######################### Section 4: Plotting ######################### # In this section, the results from the GLM are plotted. # First, long variable names need to be cut, to fit into the plots. # This row of code cuts away everything except for the first letter for variable names belonging to activity codes. ##### If you have long variable names, modify here to cut them. glmdata3[glmdata3$rating.factor == "ActivityCode",2] <- substr(glmdata3$class,1,1)[10:20] # Then the results are plotted. This code plots the GLM factors for frequency, severity, and total risk, for the three variables Weight, Climate, and Activity code. ##### If you have changed what variables are included in your model, add, remove, or modify sections of this code to plot them. ##### This is also where you can make changes to change the look of your plots, if you would like to. p1 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="Weight"), aes(x=class, y=rels.frequency)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("Weight: frequency factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.frequency,2))), nudge_y=1) +theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, hjust = 1)) p2 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="Weight"), aes(x=class, y=rels.severity)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("Weight: severity factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.severity,2))), nudge_y=0.5)+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, hjust = 1)) p3 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="Weight"), aes(x=class, y=rels.risk)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("Weight: risk factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.risk,2))), nudge_y=1.6)+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, hjust = 1)) p4 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="Climate"), aes(x=class, y=rels.frequency)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("Climate: frequency factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.frequency,2))), nudge_y=0.05) p5 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="Climate"), aes(x=class, y=rels.severity)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("Climate: severity factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.severity,2))), nudge_y=0.1) p6 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="Climate"), aes(x=class, y=rels.risk)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("Climate: risk factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.risk,2))), nudge_y=0.1) p7 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="ActivityCode"), aes(x=class, y=rels.frequency)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("ActivityCode: frequency factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.frequency,2))), nudge_y=0.5) p8 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="ActivityCode"), aes(x=class, y=rels.severity)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("ActivityCode: severity factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.severity,2))), nudge_y=0.5) p9 <- ggplot(subset(glmdata3, rating.factor=="ActivityCode"), aes(x=class, y=rels.risk)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + geom_line(aes(group=1), colour="blue") + ggtitle("ActivityCode: risk factors") + geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(rels.risk,2))), nudge_y=0.5) multiplot(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9, cols=3) ######################### Section 5: Export factors to Excel ######################### #As a last step, the risk factors are exported to excel, on the format asked for in the project description. # The dopcument will be saved in the folder set as your working directory. write.xlsx(glmdata3, "factors.xlsx")