KTH Matematik  

Matematisk Statistik

Tid: 20 februari 2013 kl 16.15-17.00.

Seminarierummet 3733, Institutionen för matematik, KTH, Lindstedts väg 25, plan 7. Karta!

Föredragshållare: Renée Blomberg


Who is granted Disability benefit in Sweden? Description of risk factors and the effect of the 2008 law reform. (Examensarbete - Master thesis)


Disability benefit is a publicly funded benefit in Sweden that provides financial protection to individuals with permanent working ability impairments due to disability, injury, or illness. The eligibility requirements for disability benefit were tightened June 1, 2008 to require that the working ability impairment be permanent and that no other factors such as age or local labor market conditions can affect eligibility for the benefit. The goal of this paper is to investigate risk factors for the incidence disability benefit and the effects of the 2008 reform.

This is the first study to investigate the impact of the 2008 reform on the demographics of those that received disability benefit. During 2003–2011 there was a drastic decrease in the number of individuals that were granted disability benefit. A logistic regression model was used to study the effect of the 2008 law change. The regression results show that the 2008 reform did have a statistically significant effect on the demographics of the individuals who were granted disability benefit. After the reform women were less overrepresented, the older age groups were more overrepresented, and people with short educations were more overrepresented.

Although the variables for SKL regions together were jointly statistically significant, their coefficients were small and the group of variables had the least amount of explanatory value compared to the variables for age, education, gender and the interaction variables.

Full report

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Sidansvarig: Filip Lindskog
Uppdaterad: 18/02-2013