KTH Matematik  

Matematisk Statistik

Tid: 1 juni 2018 kl 11.50-12.25.

Seminarierummet F11, Institutionen för matematik, KTH, Lindstedtsvägen 22.

Föredragshållare: Robin Borgman och Axel Hellström

Title: Micro-level loss reserving in economic disability insurance

Abstract: In this thesis we provide a construction of a micro-level reserving model for an economic disability insurance portfolio. The model is based on the mathematical framework developed by Norberg (1993). The data considered is provided by Trygg-Hansa. The micro model tracks the development of each individual claim throughout its lifetime. The model setup is straightforward and in line with the insurance contract for economic disability, with levels of disability categorized by 50%, 75% and 100%. Model parameters are estimated with the reported claim development data, up to the valuation time. Using the estimated model parameters the development of RBNS and IBNR claims are simulated. The results of the simulations are presented on several levels and compared with Mack Chain-Ladder estimates. The distributions of end states and times to settlement from the simulations follow patterns that are representative of the reported data. The estimated ultimate of the micro model is considerably lower than the Mack Chain-ladder estimate. The difference can partly be explained by lower claim occurrence intensity for recent accident years, which is a consequence of the decreasing number of reported claims in data. Furthermore, the standard error of the micro model is lower than the standard error produced by Mack Chain-Ladder. However, no conclusion regarding accuracy of the two reserving models can be drawn. Finally, it is concluded that the opportunities of micro modelling are promising however complemented by some concerns regarding data and parameter estimations.

The full report (pdf)

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Sidansvarig: Jimmy Olsson
Uppdaterad: 30/5-2018