Seminariet i analys och dynamiska system 2010, löpande planering


Denna termin ges programmet Dynamics and PDE:s vid Mittag-Leffler-institutet

  • Onsdagen den 13 januari 13:15 - 14:15. Arkady Pikovsky (Potsdam). Coupled and delayed oscillators with hyperbolic strange attractors

  • 16 - 19 februari. Workshop on Ergodic Theory vid Mittag-Leffler institutet.

  • Onsdagen den 24 februari 13:15 - 14:15. Igor Wigman (KTH). Nodal lines of random Laplace eigenfunctions, part 2.
    Abstract: We are interested in the length and other statistics of nodal lines for eigenfunctions of the Laplacian corresponding to large eigenvalues. In case of the torus or the sphere, the eigenspaces are degenerate, so that we may endow the eigenspaces with Gaussian probability measure. We study the distribution of the length of nodal lines of random eigenfunction in the corresponding ensemble. First, using a standard technique, we compute an exact expression for the expected value of the length. Our main result concerns the variance.
    This talk is a continuation of a talk I gave earlier this year, though I will (relatively) briefly remind the material of the previous talk, so that it will be accessible to audience that didn't attend the first talk. Unlike the first talk, where I discussed the background and motivation extensively, in this talk I will concentrate more on the proofs of the main results.
    This work is joint with Zeev Rudnick and Manjunath Krishnapur.

  • Onsdagen den 10 mars 13:15-14:15. Jens Hoppe (KTH)

  • Onsdagen den 31 mars 13:15 - 14:15. Robert Berman (Göteborg)