Starting day:   Introduction

Friday, August 24,   14.15-15.00, at room 3733, Building of the  Dept. of Mathematics.


SvEnglish, Project should be written in English

Course Leader: Henrik Shahgholian,

Assistant: Sadna Sajadini,

Mathematics Involved:

ODE/PDE, Discrete Math.

Possible Topics:

Self propagation

Self assembly/organization

Chemical reactions and developments of film

Molecular Symmetry in Chemistry

Chemistry & Mathematics behind Catalytic Convertor

Precipitation in Chemistry


Fridays 13.15-15.00 Meeting with all students.

No Classes on Friday 7 Sept and 5 October

Group meetings will be by appointments.


We plan to have several meeting in separate groups, rather than specific dates for all participants.

This will be decided after the first meetings.