Part I: Linear equations

This part of the course will treat the classical theory of linear elliptic PDE with variable and in general nonsmooth coefficients.


D. Gilbarg and N. Trudinger: Elliptic Partial Differential equations of Second Order, 2nd ed., Springer 1983.    Chapter 1-7.


Laplace's equation (Ch. 2 in GT).

Classical maximum principle, gradient estimates, Harnack inequality (Ch. 3).

Poisson's equation with H\"older estimates (Ch.4).

Topics in functional analysis and Sobolev spaces (Ch. 5 and 7).

Schauder estimates and classical solutions (Ch. 6).

Part II: Nonlinear equations

This part treats modern theory of PDE, with geometric methods.                                                            


L.A. Caffarelli and X. Cabre': Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations.


Tangent paraboloids and second order differentiability, Viscosity solutions of elliptic equations; Examples,

Alexandroff estimate and maximum principle, Harnack Inequality, Uniqueness of solutions, Concave equations, Dirichlet problem.