The combinatorics seminar at KTH

November 1, 2006

Anders Björner (KTH): Generalizing the upper and lower bound theorems for simplicial polytopes


After an introduction to and review of the upper and lower bound theorems for simplicial polytopes (due to McMullen and Barnette, respectively, circa 1970), I will go on to discuss the following theorem:

Let $S(n,d)$ and $C(n,d)$ denote, respectively, the stacked and the cyclic $d$-dimensional polytopes on $n$ vertices. Furthermore, $f_i(P)$ denotes the number of $i$-dimensional faces of a polytope $P$.

Let $P$ be a $d$-dimensional simplicial polytope.\\
Suppose that
$$f_r(S(n_1,d))\le f_r(P) \le f_r(C(n_2,d))$$
for some integers $n_1, n_2$ and $r\le d-2$. Then,
$$f_s(S(n_1,d))\le f_s(P) \le f_s(C(n_2,d))$$
for all $s$ such that $r<s<d$.

Some special cases were previously known. For $r=0$ these inequalities are the well-known lower and upper bound theorems. The $s=d-1$ case of the upper bound part is the "generalized upper bound theorem" of Kalai.

The result is implied by a more general "comparison theorem" for $f$-vectors. Among its consequences is a similar lower bound theorem for centrally-symmetric simplicial polytopes.

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