Per Hallberg

Ph. D.

[Mathematical Statistics] [KTH] [teaching] [disclaimer] [Swedish]

I have recently received a Ph.D. in mathematical statistics. My area of interest is Percolation theory in connection with The Ising model.

  • Teaching
  • Personal

  • Ph.D. Thesis

    Gibbs Measures and Phase Transitions in Potts and Beach Models was defended on September 24, 2004. Faculty opponent, prof Ronald Meester, Vrije Univ, Amsterdam. Committee: Boualem Djehiche, KTH, Anders Martin-Löf, Stockholm University, Jeff Steif, Chalmers. Thesis advisor: Olle Häggström, Chalmers.

    Licentiate thesis

    On Phase Transition and Percolation in the Beach Model, TRITA-MAT-02-MS-02. Advisor: Olle Häggström, Chalmers.

    My licentiate seminar took place on Jan 13, 2003. Invited for discussion was prof. Anders Martin-Löf, Stockholm University.

    You now (April-05) reach me at this address: per@hunresearch.com

    Per Hallberg
    Department of Mathematics
    Royal Institute of Technology
    S-100 44 STOCKHOLM

    Email: perh@math.kth.se
    Tel: +46 8 790 6911
    Fax: +46 8 723 1788
    Office: room 3437, Lindstedtsvägen 13.

    Mathematical Statistics Home Page .
    Mathematical Statistics Faculty .

    Latest update 05-04-30.