The default time for the Algebra and Geometry Seminar is on Wednesday between 13.15-15.00. And, unless otherwise stated, if at KTH then in room 3733 and if at SU then in room 306. Any divergence from these data is marked with a "*" and completed by, if needed, necessary information.

Spring 2003 and Fall 2003 and Spring 2004
Sept 22 Jan-Erik Roos KTH Derived functors of invlim revisited
Sept 29 Sergey Chulkov SU Hilbert's and Hilbert-Samuel's polynomials for
a system of linear PDEs with constant coefficients
Sept 30* Sergei Lando SU Applications of global thoery of singularitites to intersection
theory of Hurwitz spaces and universal polynomials
Oct 6 Daniel Coray KTH Some applications of algebraic geometry to the arithmetic of surfaces and threefolds
Oct 13 Letterio Gatto SU Hasse-Schmidt derivations on exterior algebras and Schubert calculus
Oct 20 - KTH -
Oct 25* Sandra Di Rocco KTH, 3721
Toric manifolds and integral polytopes
Oct 25* Wojciech Chacholski KTH, 3721
Complexity of fibrations of topological spaces
Oct 27 Orsola Tommasi SU Rational cohomology of the moduli space of genus 4 curves
Nov 3 Erik Backelin KTH Quantum flag variety, Quantum D-modules and localization of Quantum groups
Nov 10 Cinzia Casagrande SU On some numerical properties of Fano varieties
Nov 17 Jan-Erik Roos KTH How to measure the deviation of an algebra from being a Koszul algebra
Nov 24 Alexander Berglund SU Poincare series of monomoal rings
Dec 1 Sandra Di Rocco KTH Toric varieties with positive dual defect
Dec 8 Annette Werner SU Vector bundles on p-adic curves and parallel transport
Dec 13* Kristian Ranestad KTH 3733
Schubert unions in Grassmann varieties
Dec 13* Torsten Ekedahl KTH 3721
The p-deformation of Schubert cycles
Dec 13* Silke Lekaus KTH 3721
Unipotent flat bundles and Higgs bundles over compact Kähler manifolds
Dec 13* David Rydh KTH 3721
Weak variants of flatness
Dec 14* Per Salberger KTH 3721
Counting rational points on projective varieties
Dec 14* Andreas L. Knutsen KTH 3721
Extendability of surfaces and a genus bound
for Enriques-Fano threefolds
Dec 14* Helge Maakestad KTH 3721
Principal parts and invariants for coherent O-modules
Dec 14* D. Eriksson KTH 3721
On the Brauer-Manin obstruction for zero-cycles
Dec 15 Dan Laksov KTH A determinant formula for wedge products of a polynomial ring
Dec 17* Wolfgang Pitsch KTH 3721 Two filtrations of the mapping class group
and invariants of manifolds

The page is maintained by Roy Skjelnes.