KTH Matematik

  Note that the versions below are usually different from the published versions.
Research papers (pdf-files) Co-authors Publication references
Explicit projective embeddings of standard opens of the Hilbert scheme of points Gustav Sæden Ståhl Version 24.05.2016
Weil restriction and the Quot scheme - Algebraic Geometry, Vol 2, Issue 4 (September 2015), pp. 514-534
Quot schemes in Grassmannians - Version 12.05.2014
Computing Hasse-Schmidt derivations and Weil restrictions over jets - Journal of Algebra 411C (2014), pp. 114-128.
Recovering the good component of the Hilbert scheme Torsten Ekedahl Ann. of Math. (2), 179 (2014), pp. 805-841.
Algebraic spaces and quotients by equivalence relation of schemes - Version 2010
An intrinsic construction of principal component of the Hilbert scheme David Rydh J London Math Soc (2010) 82, (2): 459--481
Non-effective deformations of Grothendiecks Hilbert functor Christian Lundkvist Math. Zeit. 258, No 3 (2008)
An elementary, explicit, proof of the existence of the Quot scheme of points Dan Laksov &
Trond Gustavsen
Pacific J. Math. 231 (2007), no. 2, 401--415
An elementary, explicit, proof of the existence of Hilbert scheme of points Dan Laksov &
Trond Gustavsen
J. Pure and Appl. Algebra 210 (2007), 705-720
Norms on rings and the Hilbert scheme of points on the line Dan Laksov &
Anders Thorup
Quart. J. Math.
56 (2005)
Hilbert schemes of points on smooth surfaces - Version January 2004
Infinite intersections of open subschemes and the Hilbert schemes of points Charles Walter J. Algebra
vol. 273 (2004), no. 2.
Resultants and the Hilbert scheme of points on the line - Arkiv för matematik
vol. 40 (2002) no.1
The Hilbert scheme parameterizing finite length subschemes of the line with support at the origin Dan Laksov Comp. Math.
vol. 126 (2001) no. 3
Notes on flatness and the Quot functor on rings Dan Laksov &
Yves Pitteloud
Comm. in Algebra
vol. 28 (2000) no.12
On the representability of Hilb^nk[x]_(x) - J. London Math. Soc.
vol. 62 (2000) no.3

Division of Mathematics

Sidansvarig: Roy Skjelnes
Uppdaterad: 2005-06-10