################################################################## ### Example 9.6: Estimation and fit of an Elliptical model ################################################################## # Read Dow Jones data into R data <- read.csv("Data/Dow_Jones.csv") # Selecting the size of the sample numberofdays <- 501 data <- data[1:(1+numberofdays),] # Converting calendar dates into R format dates <- rev(as.character(data[,1])) dates.dj <- as.Date(dates, "%m/%d/%y") # plotting the dow jones index # Using the adjusted Dow Jones index (reversed) index.dj <- rev(data[,7]) logret.dj <- diff(log(index.dj)) # Rad the Nasdaq data data <- read.csv("Data/Nasdaq.csv", header = TRUE) data <- data[3:(3+numberofdays),] dates.nq <- as.Date(data[,1], "m/%d/%y") index.nq <- rev(data[,7]) logret.nq <- diff(log(index.nq)) # Calculating log returns logret <- matrix(c(logret.dj-mean(logret.dj),logret.nq-mean(logret.nq)),length(logret.dj),2) S <- cov(logret) n <- numberofdays-1 u <- (1:n)/(n+1) ### # Selecting the random portfolios ### N <- 100 z <- rnorm(2*N) dim(z) <- c(N,2) w <- z/sqrt(rowSums(z^2)) plot(w[,1],w[,2]) #plot the portfolio weights ### # QQplots for all portfolios ### portfolios <- w%*%t(logret) pquants <- matrix(NA,N,n) for(i in 1:N){ weight <- 1/sqrt(t(w[i,])%*%S%*%w[i,]) for(j in 1:n){ pquants[i,j] <- weight*empquant(portfolios[i,],u[j]) } } plot(qnorm(u), pquants[1,], ylim = c(-6,6), xlab="",ylab="") for(i in 1:N){ points(qnorm(u),pquants[i,]) } gq <- colMeans(pquants) lines(qnorm(u),gq,col="red") x <- qnorm(u) x3 <- qnorm(u)^3 y <- gq mm <- glm(gq~1+x+x3) inter <- mm$coefficients[[1]] c1 <- mm$coefficients[[2]] c3 <- mm$coefficients[[3]] lines(x,inter+c1*x+c3*x3,col="yellow") lstlsfit.A<-function(datavec) { n<-length(datavec) sdatavec<-sort(datavec,dec=FALSE) locscatfun<-function(params){ sum((sqrt((params-2)/params)*qt((1:n)/(n+1),params)-sdatavec)^2)} optimize(locscatfun, c(2,100)) } lstlsfit.B<-function(datavec,initguess) { n<-length(datavec) sdatavec<-sort(datavec,dec=F) locscatfun<-function(params){sum((params[1]*qt((1:n)/(n+1),params[2])-sdatavec)^2)} optim(initguess,locscatfun) } ### # Method A ### # Least-square estimation res.A <- lstlsfit.A(y) # Degree of freedoms df.A <- res.A$minimum # Build the model for nq xx.A <- sqrt((df.A-2)/df.A)*qt(u,df.A) lines(qnorm(u),xx.A,col="purple") df.A yy.A <- mean(logret.nq)+sqrt(S[2,2])*(xx.A) # Comparing the Student's t and the polynomial Normal models plot(qnorm(u),yy.A, type="l", xlab="", ylab="") ypol <- (1.46+12.3*x-0.54*x^2+1.98*x^3)/1000 lines(qnorm(u),ypol,lty="dashed") plot(y,yy.A,type="l") ### # Method B ### # Least-square estimation res.B <- lstlsfit.B(y,c(0.01,3)) # Degree of freedoms v df.B <- res.B$par[[2]] # Scale parameter c scale.B <- res.B$par[[1]] # Build the model for nq xx.B <- scale.B*qt(u,df.B) lines(qnorm(u),xx.B,col="blue") df.B yy.B <- mean(logret.nq)+sqrt(S[2,2])*xx.B # Comparing the Student's t and the polynomial Normal models plot(qnorm(u),yy.B, type="l", xlab="", ylab="") ypol <- (1.46+12.3*x-0.54*x^2+1.98*x^3)/1000 lines(qnorm(u),ypol,lty="dashed") plot(y,yy.B,type="l")