Optimization and Systems Theory Seminar
Friday, March 28, 2003, 11.00-12.00, Room 3721, Lindstedtsv. 25

Amol Sasane
Institut Mittag-Leffler
Djursholm, Sweden
E-mail: sasane@ml.kva.se

Time-autonomy and time-controllability with respect to Ws

Multidimensional behaviours arise in the modelling of dynamical systems described by a set of linear, constant coefficient partial differential equations. In this talk we introduce the notions of time-autonomy and time-controllability for such n-D behaviours. Moreover, we give necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions for these properties of the behaviour with respect to a certain solution space which encompasses most natural PDE solutions, but excludes certain pathological ones.
Calendar of seminars
Last update: February 19, 2003 by Anders Forsgren, anders.forsgren@math.kth.se.