Mattias Sandberg

Institutionen för Matematik, KTH

Phone: +46 8 790 6196
Address: Institutionen för Matematik, KTH
100 44 Stockholm
Visiting address:   Lindstedtsvägen 25, room 3735

Published papers and preprints

Convergence of the Forward Euler method for nonconvex differential inclusions

Symplectic Pontryagin approximation for optimal design with Jesper Carlsson and Anders Szepessy.

Convergence Rates for an optimally controlled Ginzburg-Landau equation

Convergence rates of Symplectic Pontryagin Approximations in Optimal Control Theory, with Anders Szepessy, M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 40 (2006), no. 1, 149-173.

The four papers above are contained in my doctoral thesis. They are presented in the introduction.,