I am an algebraic geometer interested in notions of positivity for vector bundles.  A detailed summary of my work and interests can be found in my Research Statement.
Th. Bauer, C. Bocci, S. Cooper, S. Di Rocco, M. Dumnicki, B. Harbourne, K. Jabbusch, A. Knutset, A. Küronya, R. Miranda, J. Roe, H. Schenck, T. Szemberg, Z. Teitler: Recent developments and open problems in linear series. Submitted.
K. Jabbusch and S. Kebekus: Families over special base manifolds and a conjecture of Campana. To appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift.
K. Jabbusch and S. Kebekus: Positive sheaves of differentials coming from coarse moduli spaces. To appear in Annales de l’Institut Fourier.
K. Jabbusch: Positivity of cotangent bundles. Michigan Math. J., Vol. 58(3), 2009, pp 723-744.
C. Cadman, I. Coskun, K. Jabbusch, M. Joyce, S. Kovàcs, M. Lieblich, F. Sato, M. Szczensny, and J. Zhang: A first glimpse at the minimal model program. Snowbird Lectures in Algebraic Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 388, AMS, 2005, pp 17-42.