

Homework 14 due Jan 11.

Last class on Jan 11!

Class on Dec 14 as usual 1pm-3pm (not 5pm-7pm as in the KTH schedule)

Homework 13 due Dec 14.

Homework 12 due Dec 7.

Homework 11 due Nov 30.

The following syllabus is a rough plan and will possibly change as the course progresses.

A detailed summary of everything we cover is available here. This only contains definitions and theorems, no examples, proofs or comments. If you miss a class, you can check there what we've covered and look it up in the literature.

Aug 31

Introduction and overview. Chain complexes of abelian groups and their homology; exact sequences; 5–lemma.

Sept 7

The long exact sequence in homology. Categories and functors.

Sept 14

Natural transformations, products, and coproducts. Modules and the tensor product.

Sept 21

Tensor products and Hom modules, projective and flat modules. Resolutions.

Sept 28

Chain homotopies, fundamental lemma of homological algebra. Derived functors.

Oct 5

Tor and Ext. Eilenberg–Steenrod axioms for homology.

Oct 12

First computations of homology. Brouwer's fixed point theorem and applications.

Nov 2

Singular homology. Homology and cohomology with coefficients.

Nov 9

Universal coefficient theorem. Cell complexes.

Nov 16

Cellular homology. Comparison with singular homology.

Nov 23

Proof of the Eilenberg–Steenrod axioms for singular homology.

Nov 30

Homology of real projective spaces.

Dec 7

The Künneth theorem and cup products.

Dec 14

The Borsuk-Ulam theorem and other applications.